Over the Telephone
It might sound old-fashioned but tele-support is a real thing. Customer service phone lines prove as much and people of a certain generation still know what landlines are. While computers are an SEO operative’s most comfortable zone since that’s where we spend a majority of our time, people are our real business. Give us a call and someone will talk you through any problems you might be having. If the problem is tiny there might not even be a charge.
Over the Internet
Consider email support: it only makes sense. After all, this work takes place over the internet. You and our SEO staff are already sitting in front of a screen more often than not. Contact one of our professionals for ideas and links.
In Person Preferred
Okay, this is the best way to work, especially if you need to be walked through a problem and solution. Here is where an SEO support person from our office is able to show you the background analytics that go into deciding which keywords are most popular in your line of work. This is where an expert can demonstrate the difference between a customer’s traffic ratings and those of a competing company for better or worse. Let a staff member log onto your site then another site of any kind to show you the difference between speedy loading and sluggish loading. It makes so much more sense if you can just see it rather than read about loading time. Sometimes we can even share a screen on a Skype conference call.
Your Place or Ours
Consultants are mobile; you’re mobile: make a deal. If you are available to go out and visit us, we will welcome you at the door. But if work holds you back or no one else is in the office and you can’t leave, a staff member will drop by. And just about everything is available to everyone from any computer if they have all the passwords.
That’s the beauty of a software program. Type in the URL, use your password, and all account information is available from a café computer if you want to meet over coffee. Access analytics wherever you are; even from a mobile phone.
Hands On or Off
The job of an SEO consultant – us included – is to provide anything from advice to hands-on support. Use free consultation sessions to figure out how much use people (including us) will be to your operation and how much you can manage without help if you are simply given a healthy nudge in the right direction. A member of staff can be hired to come in and install programs to help you track your traffic, pick up signs of duplicate content online, and trace your backlinks. With these tools you can eliminate backlinks and content that are getting you in trouble with Google. Staff can also come back once in a while to write more stuff for your blog or help you interpret data. They will even give you a way to check up on their usefulness: more analytics which show your progress pre- and post-SEO.
We look forward to working with you soon!
All of us at The Delaware SEO Squad